写真に埋め込めれているGPS(位置情報)をもとに、Google MAPに打点するプログラム。さらに、あとから、GPS情報を写真に埋め込むプログラムも作成した。 下記のサイトが参考になった。




Exif データにアクセスするコードを自作してみる



このタイトルとコメントはどうやって作成するのか? 疑問に思い、調べていくうちに、PERLのExifToolで作成できることがわかった。 その前に、JavaScript,PHPによるEXIFの操作を調べてみる。


function exifread2() {
  var oImg=document.getElementById("img1");

  var div = document.getElementById( "pan1" );
  EXIF.getData(oImg, function(){
     var ucd = Array();
   if (ss) {
      str1="メーカー:                    "+ EXIF.getTag(oImg,"Make")+"
"; str1+="モデル: "+ EXIF.getTag(oImg,"Model")+"
";    str1+="作者: "+ EXIF.getTag(oImg,"Artist")+"
"; str1+="撮影日: "+ EXIF.getTag(oImg,"DateTimeOriginal")+"
"; date = EXIF.getTag(oImg,"DateTimeOriginal"); str1+="幅: "+ EXIF.getTag(oImg,"XResolution")+" "; str1+="高: "+ EXIF.getTag(oImg,"YResolution")+"
";    str1+="Copyright: "+ EXIF.getTag(oImg,"Copyright")+"
"; ucd = EXIF.getTag(oImg,"UserComment"); if(ucd) { var jsonString = Utf8.decodeArray(ucd); jsonString = jsonString.replace(/ASCII/,""); str1+="コメント: "+ jsonString +"
"; } div.innerHTML += str1 +"
";  } else {str1 = "EXIF情報はありません!"; div.innerHTML += "
"+str1 +"
";} }); EXIF.getData(oImg, function(){ Lat=EXIF.getTag(oImg,"GPSLatitude"); // alert("GPS "+Lat); if (Lat) { Lon=EXIF.getTag(oImg,"GPSLongitude"); NS=EXIF.getTag(oImg,"GPSLatitudeRef"); EW=EXIF.getTag(oImg,"GPSLongitudeRef"); LatDeg=Lat.shift();LatMin=Lat.shift();LatSec=Lat.shift(); LonDeg=Lon.shift();LonMin=Lon.shift();LonSec=Lon.shift(); NDeg=(LatSec/60+LatMin)/60+LatDeg; EDeg=(LonSec/60+LonMin)/60+LonDeg; if (NS=="S") NDeg=-NDeg; if (EW=="W") EDeg=-EDeg; str2="緯度: "+ NDeg+"
"; str2+="経度: "+ EDeg+"
"; div.innerHTML += "
"+str2 +"
"; mapInit1(NDeg,EDeg,str1); var content = str1;  document.getElementById("LAT").value= NDeg; document.getElementById("LON").value= EDeg; // alert("TEST " +imgfile + " " + imgdata); } else {alert("位置情報はありません.");str2= "GPS情報はありません!"; var jyusyo = document.getElementById("JYUSYO").value; alert ("JYUSYO : " +jyusyo); drawMap(jyusyo); var LAT= document.getElementById("LAT").value; var LON= document.getElementById("LON").value; mapInit2(LAT,LON); div.innerHTML += "
"+str2 +"
"; } });
function Uint8ToBase64(u8Arr){
  var CHUNK_SIZE = 0x8000; //arbitrary number
  var index = 0;
  var length = u8Arr.length;
  var result = '';
  var slice;
  while (index < length) {
    slice = u8Arr.subarray(index, Math.min(index + CHUNK_SIZE, length)); 
    result += String.fromCharCode.apply(null, slice);
    index += CHUNK_SIZE;
  return btoa(result);


$gps = degree2dms( $lat , $lon );
$lat_a = explode( "." , $gps["lat"] );
$lon_a = explode( "." , $gps["lon"] );
if ($app1 != null) {
    $jpeg = new PelJpeg($filename);  
   $ifd0 = $jpeg->getExif()->getTiff()->getIfd();
    $gps = new PelIfd(PelIfd::GPS);
    $gps->addEntry(new PelEntryRational(PelTag::GPS_LATITUDE, array($lat_a[0], 1), array($lat_a[1], 1), array($lat_a[2], 100)));
    $gps->addEntry(new PelEntryAscii(   PelTag::GPS_LATITUDE_REF, 'N'));
    $gps->addEntry(new PelEntryRational(PelTag::GPS_LONGITUDE, array($lon_a[0], 1), array($lon_a[1], 1), array($lon_a[2], 100)));
    $gps->addEntry(new PelEntryAscii(   PelTag::GPS_LONGITUDE_REF, 'E'));   
     $exif = $ifd0->getSubIfd(PelIfd::EXIF); 
    $entry = $exif->getEntry(PelTag::USER_COMMENT); 
    if (!$entry) { 
      $entry = new PelEntryUserComment(mb_convert_encoding($text,"UTF-8","auto")); 

    } else { 
     $ofile= '/home/shino/public_html/exif/image/'. $fname; 
    $result = file_put_contents( $ofile  , $jpeg->getBytes() );
//    $ffname  = mb_convert_encoding( $fname,"SJIS","auto");

    $a = "

"); echo($a); echo($ffname); echo(">New MAP(added GPS)"); echo("

"); } else { echo("EXIF追加(撮影日時、緯度・経度、コメント)"); $input = $filename; $ofile= '/home/shino/public_html/exif/image/'. $fname; $output = $ofile; //$output = "/home/shino/public_html/exif/image/tmpimage.jpg"; $comment = $text; $latitude =$lat; $longtitude = $lon; addexif($input,$output,$comment,$latitude,$longtitude,$date_time); // $ffname = mb_convert_encoding( $fname,"UTF-8","auto"); $a = "

"); echo($a); echo($ffname); echo(">New MAP(added GPS)"); echo("

"); } function addexif($input,$output,$comment,$latitude,$longtitude,$date_time) { //$input = $filename; //$output = $ofile; $description ="EXIF ADDED"; //$comment = $text; $model = ""; //$latitude =$lat; //$longitude = $lon; $altitude ="11111"; //$date_time ="2015-12-26 06:30:10"; addGpsInfo($input, $output, $description, $comment, $model, $longtitude, $latitude, $altitude, $date_time); } function addGpsInfo($input, $output, $description, $comment, $model, $longitude, $latitude, $altitude, $date_time) { /* Load the given image into a PelJpeg object */ $jpeg = new PelJpeg($input); /* * Create and add empty Exif data to the image (this throws away any * old Exif data in the image). */ $exif = new PelExif(); $jpeg->setExif($exif); /* * Create and add TIFF data to the Exif data (Exif data is actually * stored in a TIFF format). */ $tiff = new PelTiff(); $exif->setTiff($tiff); /* * Create first Image File Directory and associate it with the TIFF * data. */ $ifd0 = new PelIfd(PelIfd::IFD0); $tiff->setIfd($ifd0); /* * Create a sub-IFD for holding GPS information. GPS data must be * below the first IFD. */ $gps_ifd = new PelIfd(PelIfd::GPS); $ifd0->addSubIfd($gps_ifd); /* * The USER_COMMENT tag must be put in a Exif sub-IFD under the * first IFD. */ $exif_ifd = new PelIfd(PelIfd::EXIF); $exif_ifd->addEntry(new PelEntryUserComment($comment)); //$date = new PelEntryTime(PelTag::DATE_TIME, $date_time); //$exif_ifd->addEntry(date); $ifd0->addSubIfd($exif_ifd); $inter_ifd = new PelIfd(PelIfd::INTEROPERABILITY); $ifd0->addSubIfd($inter_ifd); $ifd0->addEntry(new PelEntryAscii(PelTag::MODEL, $model)); $ifd0->addEntry(new PelEntryAscii(PelTag::DATE_TIME, $date_time)); $ifd0->addEntry(new PelEntryAscii(PelTag::IMAGE_DESCRIPTION, $description)); $gps_ifd->addEntry(new PelEntryByte(PelTag::GPS_VERSION_ID, 2, 2, 0, 0)); /* * Use the convertDecimalToDMS function to convert the latitude from * something like 12.34� to 12� 20' 42" */ list ($hours, $minutes, $seconds) = convertDecimalToDMS($latitude); /* We interpret a negative latitude as being south. */ $latitude_ref = ($latitude < 0) ? 'S' : 'N'; $gps_ifd->addEntry(new PelEntryAscii(PelTag::GPS_LATITUDE_REF, $latitude_ref)); $gps_ifd->addEntry(new PelEntryRational(PelTag::GPS_LATITUDE, $hours, $minutes, $seconds)); /* The longitude works like the latitude. */ list ($hours, $minutes, $seconds) = convertDecimalToDMS($longitude); $longitude_ref = ($longitude < 0) ? 'W' : 'E'; $gps_ifd->addEntry(new PelEntryAscii(PelTag::GPS_LONGITUDE_REF, $longitude_ref)); $gps_ifd->addEntry(new PelEntryRational(PelTag::GPS_LONGITUDE, $hours, $minutes, $seconds)); $gps_ifd->addEntry(new PelEntryRational(PelTag::GPS_ALTITUDE, array( abs($altitude), 1 ))); $gps_ifd->addEntry(new PelEntryByte(PelTag::GPS_ALTITUDE_REF, (int) ($altitude < 0))); /* Finally we store the data in the output file. */ file_put_contents($output, $jpeg->getBytes()); } function convertDecimalToDMS($degree) { if ($degree > 180 || $degree < - 180) { return null; } $degree = abs($degree); // make sure number is positive // (no distinction here for N/S // or W/E). $seconds = $degree * 3600; // Total number of seconds. $degrees = floor($degree); // Number of whole degrees. $seconds -= $degrees * 3600; // Subtract the number of seconds // taken by the degrees. $minutes = floor($seconds / 60); // Number of whole minutes. $seconds -= $minutes * 60; // Subtract the number of seconds // taken by the minutes. $seconds = round($seconds * 100, 0); // Round seconds with a 1/100th // second precision. return array( array( $degrees, 1 ), array( $minutes, 1 ), array( $seconds, 100 ) ); } //角度を度分秒表記に変換 function degree2dms( $lat , $lon ){ $lat_lon = array( "lat" => $lat, "lon" => $lon, ); foreach( $lat_lon as $key => $degree ){ $d = floor($degree); $m = floor(($degree-$d)*60); $s = floor(($degree-$d-$m/60)*3600); $u = floor(($degree-$d-$m/60-$s/3600)*360000); $s = $s * 100 + $u ; $dms = "$d.$m.$s"; $gps[$key] = $dms; } return( $gps ); } ?> 


To install ExifTool on Debian, Ubuntu or Linux Mint:
$ sudo apt-get install libimage-exiftool-perl 
$date="2016:1:26 18:10:20
$uc = "Hello World"
$lat ="36.5"
$lng ="136.5"
$title ="TITLE"
$s ="Subject"
$artist ="作成者"

$param = '"/usr/local/bin/exiftool"'.' 
  '.  $outfile;
